How to use OFDS data

0.2.0 release

Welcome to the Open Fibre Data Standard 0.2.0 release.

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This page provides examples that demonstrate how to use OFDS data in common tools and how-to guides for specific topics.



The example QGIS file shows how to use QGIS to visualise the example OFDS GeoJSON data.

The example network in QGIS

To explore the example file:

  1. Clone the OFDS GitHub repository.

  2. Open examples/qgis/geojson.qgs in QGIS.

  3. Explore the attribute table for the nodes and spans layers and use the schema reference to look up the meaning of each attribute.

Alternatively, you can download the example QGIS file and the example nodes.geojson and spans.geojson files separately. However, when you open the example QGIS file you will need to use the Handle Unavailable Layers dialog to locate the nodes and spans files.

To recreate the example file:

  1. Load the .geojson files as vector data sources with the FLATTEN_NESTED_ATTRIBUTES option enabled. For more information on the options for loading GeoJSON data, see the GDAL GeoJSON driver documentation.

  2. In the symbology properties for each layer, choose the categorized renderer with the following classification values:

    • spans: darkFibre

    • nodes: accessPoint

  3. Add a vector tile layer using the OpenStreetMap XYZ Tile service.


The example Leaflet notebook shows how to use Python, Folium and Leaflet to visualise the example OFDS GeoJSON data on a map. You can download the notebook as an .ipynb file or view it in your browser.

The example network as a Leaflet map

How to guides

How to plot coordinates accurately

Coordinates in OFDS data are specified in the urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC::CRS84 coordinate reference system (CRS). To create accurate maps, you need need to set the correct coordinate reference system when using OFDS data.

If you are using OFDS data published in GeoJSON format, then the tool that you are using is likely to default to the correct CRS because urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC::CRS84 is the default CRS for GeoJSON data.

If you are using OFDS data published in other formats, then you need to pay careful attention to coordinate ordering. urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC::CRS84 is equivalent to EPSG:4326 with reversed axes so, if it is not supported by the tool that you are using, you can set your CRS to EPSG:4326 and ensure that you read coordinates in longitude, latitude order.

For more information on transforming coordinates from one CRS to another, see how to transform coordinates to the correct coordinate reference system.